

I am still trying to get my strompi to work again.

Disconnecting power shows it doesn't do the job: Raspberry goes down.

Now downloaded the 1.72c binary file and placed it in /home/pi/RB-StromPi3.bin

Strompi and Raspberry are powered with micro usb as instructed. Switch is in flash mode blue light is on

Starting STMFLASH which results in this error:

 sudo stm32flash /dev/serial0 -w RB-StromPi3.bin -b 9600
stm32flash 0.5

Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_posix: 9600 8E1
Failed to init device.

 sudo stm32flash /dev/serial0 -w RB-StromPi3.bin -b 9600
stm32flash 0.5

Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_posix: 9600 8E1
Failed to init device.


What is wrong?



08.01.24 23:01

Hello Bert,

This can sometimes happen when flashing. It usually works again after you restart the StromPi. To do this, all power sources must be disconnected from the StromPi and the CAP jumper must be removed for a few seconds. The Raspberry Pi can remain switched on during this process.

Best regards

Tim (Joy-IT)


09.01.24 09:37

Did a second try. No battery head on, all powersource disconnected.

CAP off Flash on

Connecting power to both raspi and strompi3

CAP on

Putty started

Running command:

stm32flash /dev/serial0 -w RB-StromPi3.bin -b 9600
stm32flash 0.5

Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Error probing interface "serial_posix"
Cannot handle device "/dev/serial0"
Failed to open port: /dev/serial0

Seemes like a serial issue?


09.01.24 11:31

When doing this flash action, should I run XLAUNCH en start putty with X11 localhost:0.0 or not?

I constantly get Failed to init device:

sudo stm32flash /dev/serial0 -w RB-StromPi3.bin -b 9600
stm32flash 0.5

Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_posix: 9600 8E1
Failed to init device.


And how long should the flashactionbe running?



09.01.24 14:28

Hello Bert,

this problem accurs when for example a script sends data to the StromPi during the startup of the Raspberry before you can update the StomPi.
In this case the serial port from the StromPi is blocked with this data.
I informed the guys from joy-it about that in this post:
Sorry, it's in german.
So, what you can do, is to deactivate all scripts whitch are sent data on the serial port. Then you restart the Raspberry.
Now the update should be possible.

Good luck!



09.01.24 16:49

Sorry, the complete Raspberry-StromPi has to be restarted.
So, the best is to disconnect all powersupply after powerdown to be shure the StromPi will also be reset. That is the important thing!



09.01.24 17:08

Ok thanks. 
My raspi is ment to register waterconsumption pulses that come from gpio 17.

when doing this flash action I should avoid that the raspberry is running scripts at startup that will communicate with the strompi3? 


09.01.24 20:58

Question is if these scripts that use serial0 communication are the ones I had to create during installation?

The installation manual chapter 8.1 adviced to add a few rules in de config.txt and to activate interface options in the raspi-config.

To avoid damaging my raspi functionallity wouldn't it be saver to do flashing on a seperate raspberry?



09.01.24 21:30