

I have read there is problem with the last Pi Os BookWorm made by anyone...

Maybe does it possible to have new image to download with the last Pi OS BookWorm 32 and 64 bit from your support ?

The last images are of the 23 of march 2022

Does the firmware and all the packet are in end of life or a new product may be come out ?

I asking because my PI 4 support server VPN, docker and other Home Assistant functionnality and I would not update to bookworm at this time if  am not sure to succeed the upgrade of the base (pi4 Os + strompi 3 kit)

PS : Your product is very pratic !!


30.10.23 15:33

Hello Claude,

we are working on an updated Image. We will probably upload a new version by the end of this week.

Best regards

Tim (Joy-IT)


30.10.23 16:20

Many thanks

It is a good news ...

Have a good day


10.11.23 09:49